About Me

I am a visual storyteller. I tell my stories by personifying emotions on canvas using vibrant colors and intricate details. The stories I bring to life are based on my self-exploratory journey in an effort to understand the complexities of the mind, deep emotions, and powerful human connections that bind us. 

I  was born and raised in Colombo, Sri Lanka, and have been painting since childhood. With a background in science (BSc) from Colombo University, Chartered Management Accountancy, and Executive Education from Harvard University, Boston, USA, I pursued a career as a marketing professional for 20 years, working in Sri Lanka, Myanmar, and Hong Kong, holding local and regional leadership roles.

Last year (2022), life gave me a blank canvas to paint the rest of my life story in the colors I wanted. So I chose to pursue painting professionally as  'Varna by Varsha ' (Varna meaning color), as I found the process to be enormously meditative, therapeutic, and mindful. So join me on this artistic journey as I continue to paint my life's canvas.

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